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Virtual sticker from FroodyStuff.com: Annoy You

Annoy You

"I'm only here to annoy you"

Virtual sticker from FroodyStuff.com: Annoy You


To use this Virtual Sticker on your own websites or in forum signatures, etc, please save it and upload it to your own server or image bank. If you don't know how to do that you can copy-and-paste the below code snippets, to use it directly from this site!

HTML Code (for websites)

<a href="http://www.froodystuff.com"><img border=0 src="http://www.froodystuff.com/images/virtual-stickers/VirtualSticker_from_FroodyStuff_OnlyHereToAnnoyYou.gif" alt="Virtual sticker from FroodyStuff.com: Annoy You"></a>

BB Code (most Forums)

[url=http://www.froodystuff.com] [img]http://www.froodystuff.com/images/virtual-stickers/VirtualSticker_from_FroodyStuff_OnlyHereToAnnoyYou.gif[/img] [/url]

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